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Newsletter #5
June 27th, 2023
Dear all,
What an exciting time for the DIM BioConvS! The first project laureates of our postdoc and small-to-medium equipment calls have been announced, and we're in the thick of the last reviews for the many projects submitted to our PhD call.
Take a look here below at the projects that were selected!
We take this opportunity to wish everyone a pleasant summer. The DIM BioConvS newsletter will be back at the end of the summer for even more exciting news and events!
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Scientific communication: call for action
Only 2 days left! Apply to the EIT Health SCI FI programme
The DIM BioConvS offers up to 5 free accesses to this online training, which will help you transition from the world of academic research to the pharmaceutical, MedTech and health industry, accompanied by expert mentors from the industrial world. Don't forget to mention the DIM BioConvS in the text of your application to be eligible to our sponsorship!
Learn more and apply
Results - postdoc call and equipment call 2023
The results of our two first calls are available on our website.
Find out which projects have been funded under our first postdoc call and our first small to medium equipment call!
Discover our funded projects
Other opportunities that you could find useful
Don't hesitate to follow Medicen Paris Région, competitivity hub of the Région Ile-de-France, whom you can contact for help if you wish to apply.
Applications for the Genopole innovation cluster are open! Join the first biocluster in France to help develop your startup: access to lab facilities and high-end equipment, and specialised innovation coaching in the field of biotechnologies
Objective: fundraising - apply to until July 16 is a programme that speeds up the process of obtaining initial financing or signing a first commercial agreement. Applicants can be biotechnology companies (post-POC) seeking investors or business partners in Genopole’s priority sectors: biotherapy, bioeconomy, digital genomics.

Browse the ecosystem of Biotherapy and Bioproduction in our region
Région Ile-de-France, together with Institut Paris Région,  is working on a comprehensive map of Biotherapy and Bioproduction actors in Ile-de-France, including academia, the private sectors and incubators.
BioConvS at the DoubleSciences Festival
BioConvS has attended the first festival of scientific communication at the end of May and we stimulated the conversation between science and society through a free expression wall, centered on the thematics of science, health and communication.
Read more
They support your innovation
This mechanism supports the development of very innovative products or services with high added value, in order to strengthen the French scientific and technological base. Deadline extended to July 16th!
i-Demo Régionalisé
supports experimental development projects and of industrial innovation, ambitious and supported by SMEs, ETIs and GEs in connection with academic research
to catalyze and maintain excellence in biotherapy research by accelerating technology transfer and innovations, from the bench to the patient's bedside.
France 2030 «Première Usine»
The expected projects consist of setting up pilot sites and/or industrial production, intended to market innovative products. The expected budget should be >5M€
Industrialisation et Capacités Santé 2030
This call aims to support industrialization projects in the sectors of biotherapy and bioproduction of innovative therapies, the fight against emerging infectious diseases and CBRN threats, and medical devices and in vitro diagnostic devices.
Innovations biothérapies bioproduction
This call supports projects developing new biotherapies, R&D tools for the development of biotherapies, new bioproduction processes or bioproduction optimisation tools
Recent publications
Do you want to see your paper featured in our next newlsetter? Write to
Corre, G., Galy, A., 2023. Evaluation of diversity indices to estimate clonal dominance in gene therapy studies. Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development 29, 418–425.

Tognoli, M.L., Dancourt, J., Bonsergent, E., Palmulli, R., de Jong, O.G., Van Niel, G., Rubinstein, E., Vader, P., Lavieu, G., 2023. Lack of involvement of CD63 and CD9 tetraspanins in the extracellular vesicle content delivery process. Commun Biol 6, 1–9.
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